He said whilst pouring a glass of wine, it's time for me to update this rubbish blog and post some of my thoughts to the world. If i don't i'll probably have some sort of haemorrhage of verbal diarrhoea to anyone that stupidly asks ''Hey, how's it going''
So to move aside from physics for the moment, which is what I usually want to write about and a quick update on my life.
I'm in the 3rd year (our of 3.5) of my PhD, studying nanotechnology, and today I've been hit with a bombshell that my funding may have run out, which means I'm pot-less, broke and any other synonym you can use. This spells out a bit of a problem for me, i'm looking into solving it, but life is so busy at the moment! Which is good in a way, as i'd rather be busy than bored stiff. What's going on you ask, well;
- I've got to go to the Royal Society for a week to attend the Royal Society Summer exhibition.
- I've got to deliver a presentation in Vienna for a conference
- I've got to attend a summer school
- I decided to take a voluntary job of heading the QLM post grad group
- I have to attend another summer school
- I'm writing 2 papers and collecting more data for my thesis
- And I may have to start writing up
A bit busy then. Can't complain about this really, as if i had nothing to do I would be annoyed. But the question is why do people always bite off more than we can chew. I do it all the time, I think for some weird reason to try and impress people, to help people and give the illusion I give a damn. Which seems a bit silly, will i stop no. Will i moan and drink more wine. Yes.